Dr. Pawan Sthapak

About Pawan Sthapak

I finished my studies up-to 7th grade in Bhorjhir district Narsinghpur, then for my further studies my family decided to shift to Jabalpur and then here my journey towards becoming a successful eye surgeon started when I was in 8thgrade I was in Mahakaushal School and in 9th grade I was in Model high school and during that time only I was highly influenced by Dada Virendrpuri ji Maharaj and with his blessings I started my graduation journey which I completed from Subhash Chandra Bose Medical College.



After finishing my graduation, I left for Gujrat as there is a famous hospital Central Eye Hospital in Jabalpur, for my specialization in Eye surgery but during that also I faced many challenges as I reached there, I come to know that all the seats are full and when nothing could be done, I decided to leave but I guess my destiny had some other plans for me just before returning to Jabalpur I got a call out of blue and guess from where it was? It was from the same university I have been trying very hard to get in and they told me that there is only one seat available.



I realised that I was truly blessed by none other than Dada Bhagwan Virendrapuri Ji Maharaj. After completing my basic trainings for ophthalmologist, I then went to Chennai for further practice and then I decided to go to London for my further learnings.

The moments which I won’t forget in this lifetime

I belong to a very lower middle-class family and my father was a farmer so going to abroad was a big deal for me and my entire family as I was ready with visa and ticket to fly out to London for further studies, it was the very first time that son of a farmer was flying out for higher studies, I Know where-ever I am today it’s by god’s grace and my parent’s blessings.


Well moving on in the story when I reached London it was night, now to go to other side of the town I need to take the underground trains which was quite a tuff experience for me, in an unknown country, it was dark and all the shops were closed and streets were deserted and walking on the streets I was quite nervous for the very first time in my life, also I was homesick as I was very far away from my homeland but now there was lot on stake and coming this close to my higher education I can’t look back so I made up my mind that now I will return with the fellowship in Ophthalmology from Moorfields Eye hospital London only, to be honest it took a lot of courage in me but the courage I showed that time changed my destiny.

“Love your eyes, love your future”

Dr. Pawan Sthapak